Vladimír Bayer cruelly murders an only-seven-year old girl in his flat on January 16th, 2001. His motive? A revenge. His girlfriend left him. He is the murdered girl's uncle... In 1993, as a teen-ager, Bayer and his two pals murder an pensioner in a quite cruel way. Having committed a robbery-motivated murder, Bayer is sentenced to seven years in prison. Having served a five-year jail sentence, he is released.
A seven-year old new-girl is annouced to be missing at the Moravský Beroun Police Station. She leaves her home in the morning but never gets to school. The general public is told about the missing girl and a vast-ranging search begins. Bayer is arrested in a restaurant two hours later. He himself starts talking about his life and about his girlfriend and his daughter who have lef him. He insists on his participating in the search. His sister - mother of the missing girl - made him. He agrees with showing his flat to police to prove the missing girl is not in. The policemen have already known about Bayer's criminal past and thus they do trust him only to some extent. The house search is focused on the presence of the missing girl there only.
The policemen learn that the missing girl was seen accompanied by the man looking like Bayer near the school that morning. Some of her schoolmates say that the unknown man asked them to apologize her absence in classes. One of her classmates, looking at the police photographs, recognizes Bayer... Bayer's mother, the little girl's grandmother, brings a letter found on her flat-door to police station. According to the handwriting, a child asks for help. Her life is said to be in danger if her uncle's girlfriend does not return. The letter includes two hairgrips which belong to the missing girl...
Vladimír Bayer refuses any participation in that case for the following 17 hours although a letter is found in his pocket: "You have only three days left. She is dead then. Yours sincerely Mr. Executioner". Policemen ruling out Bayer's alibi, he gives up and pleads guilty spontaneously. A blackmail is the plan to make his girlfriend come back. He waits for the little girl outside the school. Having some biscuits on him, he manages to trap her into his flat. He makes her write the threatening letter there. While dictating the letter, he decides to murder her to wreak his vengance. He stuffs her mouth with a handkerchief and seals it up with a band. He straps up her neck using a line and a shoelace. A forensic surgeon comes to the conclusion that the little girl was murdered in a cruel and tormentous way. He strips the dead body off and puts it into a bag. He hides the body in the potting shed behind the house he lives in and puts it into an old fridge.
Bayer tells the criminalists about the place where the dead body is hidden and gives them the only key. A bag containing the dead body and a dead dog are found in the fridge. Some other convicting evidence is found there too: the remnants of her clothes, school things, boots and her fingerprints on a glass. A paper biscuit wrapper is taken into account as an evidence as well. The microtraces found on the clothes and the body of the murdered girl undoubtedly prove that Bayer moved the dead body.
Bayer, having a solicitor, is disclosed the suspicion of murder. He starts denying everything despite the results of the expert examination. He even accuses the criminalists of beating him to make him tell the truth. He produces a letter said to be written by his brother who confesses to that murder. He accuses Russian maffia later on. The judge receives a threatening letter. The author requires Bayer to be released. It is signed "Unbeatable Zoro" and "Your Executioner". Speaking on behalf of his mother, he writes a letter to the President of the Czech Republik asking mercy for "her son"...
The forensic psychologists, psychiatrists and sexologists mention Bayer's I. Q. to be of a substandard level (I. Q. 82). He is also proved not to have suffered by any kind of mental disorder or sexual deviation any time. On the other hand, Bayer is proved to be brought up in a very bad way, in a socially unsatisfactory surroundings.
The experts also prove that Vladimír Bayer lacks empathy both to the strange people and to his relatives and thus a tendency to agressivness prevails in his character. His feeling of desperation seems to be to main motive. Vladimír Bayer has been suffering from a confirmed disease and undergoing radiotherapy. Nevertheless, he is able to see the possible public danger of his behaviour and is able to keep it over his control. The experts refuse any possible recovery expectation...
Vladimír Bayer tries to drag out the trial. He changes his solicitor several times, wants some (unnecessary or even imaginary) witnesses to be called in evidence. He goes on a hunger strike in October 2001. He quarrels with his relatives as he wants them to do their best to arrange his releasing from custody. He is even said to write a letter saying he wants to murder them. On October 19th, 2001, the Regional Court in Olomouc finds Vladimír Bayer the extra-dangerous habitual offender and sentence him to life imprisonment. In January 2002, the Supreme Court in Olomouc affirms the regional court judgement. How many years is he going to spent in prison when suffering from such a disease...