Inspector WO Pavel Vršovský, M. A.

born on February 28th, 1977
Department of Transport - Road Casualty Department, CZ, Pardubice

inspektor praporčík Mgr. Pavel Vršovský

Let me introduce myself. I am a former student of Mr. Jedlička's and I am the author of the Museum of Crime English version too. I met Mr. Jedlička for the first time in November 2004. I joined the Police at that time and I had to attend the H. O. Secondary Police School in Brno. I found my meeting him essential to me. It was him who sparked off my interest in criminalistics and, for instance, my interest in photography again and thus I did not hesitate when he offered me the combination on his Museum of Crime, I mean the English version, and I accepted it. Are you asking me about the reason? I share Mr. Jedlička's opinion that it is necessary to present the world of real crimes and criminals to the general public, because anyone of us may come across with such a crime anytime although you think it may not happen to you.

But here comes the main reason: I want to propagate, in the best sense of the word, this unique project paying tribute to all the policemen, criminalists, prosecutors and judges who fight the evil thoroughly and with dedication. Mr. Jedlička and his Museum of Crime prove the Czech criminology to be one of the best in Europe, maybe in the world. The methods and procedures used in the Czech Republic can be, without any exception, compared to the methods and procedures used in any advanced country in the world. He does so with an extraordinary verve and an ardour and a self-evident professionalism. And that is why I am glad I can pay my tribute to the people mentioned above and to present their knowledge, skills and brilliant results in the field of criminology to people from the foreign countries.

Yours sincerely,
WO Pavel Vršovský, M. A.